Tagged as: blogging

great resources

5 Great Resources to Help You Use WordPress Like a Pro

WordPress has made the idea of creating personal websites an easy matter for the average user. Without spending money on hiring designers, you can be a designer yourself and shape up an online business. 

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10 Things to Know to Get the Most Out of WordPress Plugin

Have you ever imagined what WordPress would look like without the plugins? The power to present the content fashionably by one of the favorite content management systems of the world would have been lost. At present, on WordPress, there are about 55,000 plugins available. So, you have the option to present your page in a variety of ways with those plugins.

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Finding a WordPress theme

5 Tips for Creating Your First WordPress Site

One of the great things about WordPress is how easy it is to create a website. Rather than spending thousands of dollars on a professional web designer, you can create a simple website with just a few clicks of your mouse and some free time. That being said, there is still a bit of a learning curve the first time you want to make a site.

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Improve your blog

7 Pieces of Software to Improve Your Blog

If you want to write better, faster and increase your readership, while effectively maintaining your website security each day, you need to utilize the different types of software available.

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Blog in less than 30 dollars

How To Start Your First WordPress Blog At Less Than $30

(Write Your First Post In Less Than 15 Minutes) If you are wondering how to start your first blog at less then $30 and that too quickly (less than 15 minutes) then you are at the right place.

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man using printer

How You Can Use Technology Innovation to Create a Successful Website for Your Needs

There are a number of reasons it is important to create your very own website. Whether it’s for business or personal purposes, this site can help you boost your brand awareness and thus improve your online presence.

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Start a Blog for Your Business

Three Things to Consider When You Start a Blog for Your Business

Blogs are so much a part of internet marketing for businesses now that if you don’t have one yet, you are probably very well aware of the benefits you will gain by adding one. The ability to have a platform for content marketing, a way to boost your SEO by adding more useful and regular content, and the new ways to engage with your target audience are all good reasons why having a blog on your business site is a good idea.

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How To Get Your Website Working For You

How To Get Your Website Working For You

If you’re the main contributor to your website or blog, then you have to engage with your content; it needs to interest you. You want others to enjoy it, so it makes sense to ensure that it maintains your interest before getting properly started. If you’re unsure as to what others think of your material, then ask them. Conduct polls and ask visitors to leave feedback. Consider what users stand to gain from visiting your site, and how you’re going to use the data you collect to impact your website positively.

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Run WordPress Like a Pro

How You Can Run Your WordPress Like a Pro

You might feel that launching your WordPress account was the hard part, and now it’s time to relax. Unfortunately, while setting up and launching your WordPress site can take a lot of time, energy, and thought, the work is simply just beginning. If you want your site to look and run like a professional website, then you need to put more time and more work into it. In order to achieve both success and growth, then you need to keep consistent and always focused on improvement. Ideally, you want to create a website management strategy that will make the process of running your WordPress site much easier and much more professional.

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FAQ pages

8 Must Have Web Pages For Your WordPress Blogs

WordPress blogging has gained momentum these days. Millions of tech-savvy people are running successful WordPress blogs in different streams and making money out of that. There are many individuals who start their blogging journey with great enthusiasm, but they relinquish their blogging activities sooner or later after seeing so sing of bread and butter. Always keep in mind that success and recognition in WordPress blogging are impossible if your blog doesn’t have the basic pages that reveal the subject, idea, and mission of the blog to the targeted audience. So, what are those pages? Let’s find out.

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