7 Ways To Improve Your Company Website

February 8, 2019 6:02 pm

In today’s digital age, every business needs to have a high-quality website. This is how you present your brand to the world, so the website needs to paint the company in a positive light and have value. It can also be hard to develop a website which stands out from the crowd and is memorable which can hold a business back. Therefore, it can be helpful to know a few tricks which will help to improve your company website and make sure that it wins over visitors and turns them into customers. Read on for a few different ideas which should help.

Improve company website

1. Make Sure That It Is Mobile-Friendly

First, you need to make sure that the website functions on phones, tablets, laptops, and any other device. People use a wide range of devices to surf the web, and if your website does not load properly or is difficult to navigate on a device, then you will lose visitors and potential customers.

2. Add Social Proof

It is easy to explain to the world why your business is great, but it will be much more effective coming from someone else. Seek customer reviews and use these to advertise your company on the website.

3. Use A Reputable Host

A reputable web hosting company will ensure that you have a secure and reliable website that will perform to the required standard. Additionally, independent hosting companies are likely to provide better customer service so that any issues can be worked out as soon as possible.

4. Having Copy Written Professionally

There are many important aspects to a good website but none more important than the copy. All copy should be written by a professional to make sure that it is engaging and communicates your desired message. Nothing will deter a visitor faster than poorly written copy as this is how you portray your brand to the world.

5. Showcase Products & Services

It is important to have an introduction to your company, contact information, and other details, but the main ingredient of the website should be the products and/or services that you provide. Make sure that you are showcasing these with high-quality photographs and detailed descriptions to turn visitors into customers.

6. Include Social Links

Social media is another key area for business, so your social media channels need to be linked to the website and highly visible. This will help you to connect with your target audience and engage them directly.

7. Remove Unhelpful Content

Improving your website may involve making a few cuts too. This might include content that is too long, poor quality photographs or stock images, complicated animations or content which is little more than clutter. It is better to have white space than to fill a website so take steps to clean up the site and remove anything that is unnecessary.

All companies need a website, but by making your website great, it can work wonders for your company and help to turn visitors into customers. It is for this reason why every business must regularly look at their site and identify ways in which improvements can be made.